Jose Javier Gonzalez Ortiz

  • Research Scientist, DataBricks

I am a Research Scientist at DataBricks Mosaic Research, where I work in the Training and Inference Efficiency team. I was part of the core team behind DBRX, a frontier LLM model developed by DataBricks. I am currently working on improving Large Language Model (LLM) pretraining efficiency and fine-tuning capabilities, and I am interested in building multimodal and adaptable foundational models.
I got my PhD in Computer Science at MIT CSAIL working with John Guttag and Adrian Dalca. During my PhD I worked in efficient deep learning methods, and for my thesis I focused on learning reconfigurable vision models, where multiple tasks are learned jointly in an amortized way. We achieved this using techniques such as hypernetworks and in-context learning. During my PhD I also worked on asynchronous large-scale distributed training and neural network pruning methods.
While at MIT, I co-organized Missing Semester, a lecture series on programmer tools often left untaught in modern CS curriculums. During my PhD, I interned at Facebook AI Research and Microsoft Research. Previously, I received a BSc in Telematics Engineering from ICAI in Spain, and interned at CERN Openlab.

Deep Learning Libraries



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